30 Day Spring Challenge a Success! - Sharon Bailey

Last Updated 5/4/2022Posted in Community, Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda

Thank You!

A little over 5 years ago, I decided that the first hour of my day was going to belong to only me. This hour has shifted in activities over the years. I used to incorporate journaling, reading, affirmations among other practices. My health has been a priority for me so my first daily hour has morphed into various types of exercise. I am that type of person that likes to get the physical activity done and out of the way so that the rest of my day is free. The up side to that is I feel great during my day when I start it off with exercise. Over the years I've taken different programs and joined different types of gyms. For me what works best is HIIT workouts. I am also a true fan of weight training and yoga. Over this past winter, I created a routine of doing a half hour of HIIT, 15 minutes of yoga and then I'd take the time to sit in silence and meditate. Meditating after intense movement feels so natural to me. During these past cold months an idea came to me during meditation, "What if I shared my morning routine with other people? Would others benefit from what works for me?" I kept seeing the vision of making recordings and creating online content. Like many other ideas, I kept pushing it away because I am not a certified personal trainer nor was I trained to coach anyone in HIIT or crossfit. I realized one day that this self doubt was a block of some sort. I was telling myself I wasn't good enough to put out this kind of content but something kept pushing me towards this project. I began to talk out loud during my workouts as if I were instructing an audience. I thought it'd be good practice in case I decided to actually do something like this. 
I was looking ahead on my calendar and noticed that the month of April had 30 days.  I had just completed a 30 day spiritual challenge in the month of January. I realized if I were going to produce this type of program, the way the days of April had lined up was perfect! There were a few days in the beginning for introduction content and 4 full weeks of Mondays through Fridays for the workouts and the last day of the month would fall on a Saturday. It really felt like it was meant to be.
One day I presented my idea to Janet of Live In Joy and from there this idea that had remained in my head for months had started to become reality. I knew as soon as I spoke the words that this would take on a life of its own. That's exactly what happened. After I had pitched my idea and it was graciously praised and accepted, I began to work behind the scenes to provide the best quality program I could. This included some technology training, meetings with people who had experience producing online content, purchasing and testing of equipment, research of various topics and practicing different exercises and routines.
This whole project became an entity with its own energy. I communicated with it and represented it the way it wanted to show up. I know that sounds a little crazy but this experience was truly a magnificent example of trust and manifestation. Although this 30 day project had come to me many times before I had the nerve to take action, I was actually able to see the journey between thought and reality which is the exact definition of manifestation.  The thought came repeatedly which was pushed away with negative self talk. Then courage took place when I first spoke about the idea. Next came the curiosity which led to many little actions. The end result became the Spring Into Action 30 Day Mind, Body & Soul Challenge.
The feedback I have gotten from some of the participants has been overwhelmingly positive. Seeing people break their own barriers was an incredible perk to this journey. My desire to help others in some way is exactly how this all started. I was faced with a lot of personal challenges during these 30 days. Having pushed through my own barriers has taught me incredible lessons and provided me with a deeper understanding of myself. 
Thank you to all of you that trusted me to guide you through this 30 day journey. I have so much gratitude for the questions, feedback and encouragement to do more of this kind of thing in the future. I am excited to see where I'll be guided to next. 

Sharon BaileyFind Joy In All Moments!
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